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The High Altar, Reredos and Quire

The High Altar and Reredos

The High Altar has a black marble top, bearing five crosses, supported on an oak frame, which seems to be in origin of the 17th century. The altar cross was presented by Col R A ffarington, Churchwarden from 1877 to 1909 and the candlesticks by the Hon Colin Lindsay when the church was rebuilt. The altar is furnished with coloured frontals, changed according to the season of the Church's year. The one pictured is the 'Three Crowns' best white frontal made by the parish churches own needlework guild in the 1970's.

The elaborate Reredos behind the High Altar was made when the church was rebuilt in 1847. It is carved out of Caen stone by John Thomas, a sculptor of considerable merit who superintended the ornamental stone carving during the rebuilding of the House of Parliament.

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The four figures in the panels on either side of the reredos are of those who specially bear witness to the priesthood of Our Lord in the Holy Scripture - King David and the prophet Isaiah on the north, and the prophet Zachariah and St Paul on the south

The centre panel contains a representation of the Adoration of the Lamb by the Church of God, done in Italian glass mosaic work. On each side of the centre panel are the figures of the two great archangels, St Michael to the north and St Gabriel to the south.

In the Sanctuary is the Bishops Chair, a fine oak chair made when the church was rebuilt by Rattee of Cambridge.

The four misericords in the quire for the clergy made by Advent Hunston of Tideswell in 1909. These are flip up seats for resting on, in a semi standing position when going through lengthy services